Posted by
9:28 PM

I'm terrified of answers so I chose just not to ask
Surely everything is easier when you leave it in the past
But I know that I've been waking
Almost every single night
Dripping wet with deep regret lost in this endless fight
I am falling faster to the ground
Punched at every corner with my arms securely bound
I am waiting for existence to hold me by the hand
Explain that all's not lost for me
and make me understand that I am free
My panic gets the upper hand as it tackles with me breath
I can see this is no playground fight
It's a battle to the death
I am choking on the concrete with my faced pressed to the floor
The bastards won't defeat me can't you hear me scream for more.
Posted by
3:50 PM

so it was "halloween"
and really fun being a bro hoe.
here are some pictures, my camera kinda died on me
so heres what i have. HEY!

So im going to be straight up honest with whom ever reads my blog.
i had a tegan and sara ticket that i purchased for 50 bucks and ended up not being able to go, so this dumb girl decides to give the ticket that I paid for and give it to another person and tells her that she doesn't have to pay. she didn't even have the decency to tell me that she was going to give my ticket away for free, or ask if she could do it. after i confront her about this she just apologizes. APOLOGIES ARENT GOING TO BRING MY 50 BUCKS BACK. She asks me if she should've just let the ticket go to waste, and my reply YEAH YOU SHOULD HAVE. If i were to go into her house and take her laptop and give to to another person just because she wasn't using it, does it make it alright?! NOOOOOOOOOO THINK YOU DUMB DUMB GIRL. im ready to drop a law suit on her. i am just that annoyed. i want at least half my money back before i wreck her face.
Posted by
7:37 PM

Being tragic is the newest trend. A corrupted mind is praised, your most inner fears are brought to life to instill fear in others. being sad is the new happy. i dont know how i feel about this, at all. am i still apart of the trend if i was originally as morbidly depressing as i was when i was a child? well i guess that'll just make me trendy right?
on another note,
i was thinking of posting some of my art work up like many other artists do, but i don't know how i feel about being that vulnerable and letting other judge my inner most feelings? some of my art work isn't even that personal, but when it comes to my art work, i get defensive, judge me and my style or my personality all you want but target my art work and i will get offended and probably tear you apart. quite honestly i hate people that insist on being snobby with their artwork when they can paint or doing anything to save their life. i would suggest they shut up and get your piece of shit you call your art and shove it up where the sun don't shine. another thing that pisses me off is the stupid people that go to my art studio and insist on taking up the teachers time when their only doing art work to strengthen their college admission. they have no intention of actually majoring art, they just suck up all their time, and waste the time of the serious art students that are there for a reason. a legitimate reason. i hope that ever second they waste for someone else haunts them later on.
that made me feel alot better. now im off to... well art. yeah thats pretty much my life. legitamtely hahahahahhaha
thank God for the live stream of U2. epic epic epic

Excuse my ugly face. so, on the new moon festival day, i went over to my grandmas and saw that she crocheted the most awesome cardigan ever and asked her to teach my how to make one. she thought that it would be difficult to translate what she was saying so she told me that she would make me on and BAM she did. this cardigan is made with the best kinda of love there is, grandma love, and the slippers are insanely comfortable and she made me 3 pairs, it will most def be on my feet for the rest of the winter. i love my grandma like no other, when i think of her, she makes me happy. :) talk shit about my grandma, I DARE YOU. she is my only inner peice right now.
Posted by
7:52 PM
fashion consumes me like no other
- i was thinking of taking pictures of my outfit like other fashion bloggers do, but i realized that i dont have any fans so its useless. LOL

Posted by
8:21 PM
got suspended for 5 days, honestly i thought alcohol would be the last thing in the world i would be suspended for. i prided myself in being the one that didnt drink. it was easier for me to reject it then to consume it, but recently, bad friends influenced me too much, and made me put my morals aside and thats where i messed up. the funny thing is that if i lied most of this couldve been avoided. hours go by, and i just think about what couldve been if i did that or said that. but sadly, none of that makes a difference. i shouldve stayed away. we should have walked away but we didnt so now were incredibly screwed. and i dont even know what to do anymore. i am not proud at all, so dont assume. i am pretty ashamed and i feel like the biggest ass in the world for letting my mom down. so dont think im proud of what went down. i laugh because its the only way i know how to get through things. so if im laughing, its not cus im happy or cocky about anything, its cus im on the verge of losing my sanity and hopeing that laughing will help me get through my stupid mistakes. so a word of advice, for all those of you that are partying it up. stop. and save it for college.