Posted by
7:09 PM

totally mind fucked today
it's like a rollercoaster
my emotions up down up down
turn around
don't kiss me
don't touch me
please let me be the one
Posted by
8:19 PM

lets hang ourselves
college is great
together. oh wait there is no together
the people here are great
there's only me
i love making new friends and partying
only me
Going out everyday and partying every weekeend
i need you, a you, any you
classes are so fun i draw and design all day 7 hours a day
i can't stand to be alone. it's scary
I have so much homework though, it's kind of insane
I've been alone for so long why the hell do need to go through this again?
fuck this
it's happening again
Posted by
11:44 PM
college is kinda awesome
getting to experience a whole new culture in chicago
being around people that love art as much as you do
getting high and drunk whenever the fuck you feel like
smoking and not be worried about getting caught
it's just an awesome atmosphere
i promise to update more often once i get my memory card reader
please keep following, the few and dedicated
i love you all