brought to my knees by what seems to be the work of God
repenting, relying asking for a new perspective
a new epiphany
life is worth living
i wont let it go anymore
no more time to waste
hopefully this will last
Posted by
7:43 PM
open your heart up he says
we are our own god
arent we all
you say that love is worth anything and everything
you swear by your life you take out loans and yet you
are drunk
Posted by
6:04 PM
im not going to last that much longer,
time to say goodbyes?
it's calling my name
Posted by
8:23 AM

learning to be productive is becoming more and more of a habit
but my forgetfulness does not help the matter whatsoever
my head spins
and so do the voices
spin stories that is
This is becoming hard
to be the person i want to become
but i hear that if i try really hard
that maybe i will around to half the person
i wanted to become
bleep bloop blop
i am a robot
Posted by
3:32 AM

time to fly
time to fly
take a deep breathe and get ready to fly
liberating, exhilarating, all of the above
it's the first breath after a coma
it's that good
Posted by
4:51 PM

it's getting pretty cold here
kind of like my heart