mom and dad
Posted by ScarletLovesRufio , 8/22/11 4:14 AM
mommy and daddy,
i honestly could write this letter out of spite and anger but i don't want my last words to you to be out of hate because i honestly have more love for you than anything else. i must say that you guys have messed me up so badly that i couldn't even function in society, but i learned to hide my true self and be what they want me to be. you guys never accepted me for me and it honestly killed me every single day. the worst thing for a child, in my opinion, is not having the approval of their parents and not making their parents proud. i wanted nothing more in my whole entire life than for you guys to look at who i truly and and be proud. my piercings, tattoos, weird hair color and all. it just killed me that you couldn't look past all the superficial qualities that i possessed and see everything i accomplished. dont get me wrong, you guys provided me with everything single thing i needed except for emotional support.