Posted by
4:48 AM
the full moon brings out the crazies.
I'm so tired I don't know why I'm writing, but i do.
I just don't want to tell you.
So I'll just rant until the xanex kicks in and then
I'll probably just rant for a little longer
but non of it will make sense.
or maybe it will make more sense. hmm
happiness is so hard to find. people are deceitful and I'm too trusting
just thinking about this stuff is making me upset so I'm just going to leave it at that.
fuck you
Posted by
1:28 AM
Alright, So.
New year, new me.
I've picked up Yoga again and went back to Pole dancing classes
and want to keep it up. I've limited myself to three cigarettes a day.
No booze or weed. I got this app that calculates my intake of food and exercise which will hopefully help me loose 15 pounds.
As of right now I'm over boys but not shutting them out. Just opening myself up to the universe. Going to be more picky about who I let into my life and who can stay there.
I want to put all my focus on school and living a better life.
Hopefully this will last more than a week. Let's hope so.
I'm going to make a doctor's appointment for as soon as possible to get my stomach checked out and an appointment to the gyno. Just trying to get my body right.
I'm going to remember to take my meds regularly so I don't bust down in an episode or see shit that's not there. awesome
wish me luck