oh oh oh

Posted by ScarletLovesRufio , 12/29/09 11:13 PM

i want to dye my hair jet black, but i also want it to be healthy so i can dye it platinum blonde.
i want to meet zulfikar
I want to be heavily peirced and tattooed with the approval of my parents
i want toms.
i want a bra that makes my boob look like the boobs of a porn star
i want more money
i want stores to have things that are actually worth spending money on.
i want to start a form spring but i dont think people think that im interesting enough to ask questions.
i want to draw, and design clothe all day.
i want to finish my supplement for boston.
i want sex. but not really
i want to be skinny and tall.
i want someone to take pictures of me, instead of the other way around
i want to be beautiful in someones eyes.
i want someone to sleep with. just sleep. do not touch me, do not talk just be there. (i should just get a corpse)
i want to be happy.

1 Response to "oh oh oh"

Anonymous Says:

Haha. in a sense, that was directed to you. It was speaking to me and people in general as well. But yes i know, i understand you completely and I'm sorry that life or that God of some sort has put you through these things. I cannot assure you that everything will be fine and that "this is just a phase" and that "you will be perfectly happy". No. I cannot. I mean who am i to say such things? But all i was basically trying to hold on to you longer than I can. Selfish, much? Yes. And I Completely and utterly admit it. But you know what? This is your life and you make what you want out of it; and I know you have everything precisely planned out, so I'm not going to stop you. Don't blame me if i try though. I'm a stubborn mother fucker and that won't ever change.

And GIIRRRL, trust. you'll get, those you don't already have, most of the things on that list of "wants". But no more expectations. Just like Jonah said, live life day by day.
and P.S.
i love you :]

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