Posted by
3:49 PM
moment of honesty
someones gotta take the lead tonight
whose it going to be?
i'm going sit right here
and tell you and all that comes to me
if you have something to say
you should say it right now
You ready?
you give me a feeling that i never felt before
and i deserve it, i think i deserve it
i was wondering maybe
could i make you my baby
if we do the unthinkable would it make us look crazy
if you ask me i'm ready
i know you once said to me
this is exactly how it should feel when it's meant to be
time is only wasting so why wait for eventually
if we're going to do something about it
we should do it right now
bay, uh
why give up before we try
feel the lows before the highs spread our wings before we fly away
i can't say i cam prepared
i'm suspended in the air
won't you come be in the sky with me?
Posted by
4:53 PM
i'll update you later ;)
Posted by
10:25 PM


I'm afraid of leaving California
Posted by
12:03 AM

maybe you can love me if i lost weight
maybe you can love me if i was skinnier
maybe you can love me if i was pale
maybe you can love me if i was funnier
maybe you can love me if i was nicer
maybe you can love me if i was smarter
maybe you can love me if i was pretty
maybe you can love me if i was quieter
maybe you can love me if i was not me
nice boobs right?
show them off to your friends
in a drunken mess
a moment asking you to love me
maybe you can love me?
no, who can love someone like me
i was once in control
now im not
maybe if i fuck you
will you love me
will you love me then?
what can make you love me?
Posted by
11:22 PM
I just have to wait three months and we can rape each other as much as we want
i don't think you understand how excited i am. it's actually ridiculous
i bought 150 dollar sneakers today and thinking about returning them and getting some
winter boots for chicago, but there so pretty and comfortable i don't know if i can part with them yet
Posted by
12:09 AM

Hello, my name is Crystal and i have a problem with playing with fire.
I just can't help going after boys with girlfriends
all they have to say no but once there in
the game gets so fun to play i can't help myself
Posted by
7:21 PM

I don't even know how to start, my mind is racing but it's at its calmest. the past few nights have consisted of heart break, self pity parties, anger, booze and a lot of adderall. I don't know why I drink when I hate the taste and some what of the feeling that it gives me, But i don't do it often so i suppose it's alright. too much happened that i don't want to re-live so i won't write about it. i have so much anxiety pent up in me and traces of substances that shouldn't necessarily be in my system. I need a cleansing. i'm trying not to eat so i won't be fat. there's just too much going on in my head right now i can't sort through all this crap. My parents are mad and i don't know what i'm allowed to do anymore so i'm fucking confused.