confessions of a druggie
Posted by ScarletLovesRufio , 8/1/10 7:21 PM
I don't even know how to start, my mind is racing but it's at its calmest. the past few nights have consisted of heart break, self pity parties, anger, booze and a lot of adderall. I don't know why I drink when I hate the taste and some what of the feeling that it gives me, But i don't do it often so i suppose it's alright. too much happened that i don't want to re-live so i won't write about it. i have so much anxiety pent up in me and traces of substances that shouldn't necessarily be in my system. I need a cleansing. i'm trying not to eat so i won't be fat. there's just too much going on in my head right now i can't sort through all this crap. My parents are mad and i don't know what i'm allowed to do anymore so i'm fucking confused.
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