Oh, you're so fake!

Posted by ScarletLovesRufio , 1/11/10 7:54 PM

Shitty camera phones, fun doodling session
I love her hair and glasses

Aging beautifully,
enough said

So, I'm updating, so you know what that means,
yeah I'm not feeling well again.
I started my period today, so all my hormones are back to "normal"
in conclusion, all the new found happiness was just a hoax.
I'm okay with that, it was nice while it lasted.

Iv'e recently finished this novel called Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto,
and I'm really just in love with her work.
She puts death into a new perspective and it's so damn beautiful
"I realized that that the world did not exist for my benefit, It followed that the ratio of pleasant and unpleasant things around me would not change. It wasn't up to me."
Time to go to Barnes and nobles to get more of her books. harah!

Today I had coffee
and I went to sleep soon after,
the whole time I was sleeping, thoughts were swirling at an infinite speed
each thought colliding into each other, random bursts of colors
thoughts after thoughts, things i need to do, consumed into a vortex i call my mind
When I woke up, i realized all those thoughts were nothing. just thoughts, it was interesting
My jaw hurts from clenching it so much throughout the day.

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