chaos theory

Posted by ScarletLovesRufio , 12/21/09 7:54 PM

Today i went to the hospital and the doctor prescribed me anti-depressent meds. which made me do a silly thing and hope. it seemed to be going great but the day wasn't over.

-On the way to the air port to pick up my brother, the other cars wouldn't let me merge so i ended up wasting time and going thru another route.
-my car ended up smelling like skunk and peaches, which gave me a head ache
-went to pick up my meds and my insurance denied my meds, because i had to have another med before that.
-my uncle came to visit and the first thing he did was hit my on the arm and said wow in disgust. i guess playing water polo doesn't help keep a feminine physic.

and my day is yet to be done. my prediction for the rest of the night? My family birthday dinner, which was dependent on my brother being present, will end up being horrific, all the attention going to my brother and me, of course ignored. i forget to stop hoping for good things to happen when my birthday is involved. silly silly me.

I am _____. emotions don't seem to faze me, but damn do you know how crappy it feels to be tormented for four years, and finally, given hope, but that gets taken away from you in an instant? I was holding out for this day. I don't know anymore. Theres not hope, God is cruel.

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